Building Our Future

“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain.”

Psalm 127:1
Our congregation is growing as we share the good news of the Gospel with the community of Partick and Thornwood! The recent union of our two congregations to create Crow Road Free Church means we can now look to the future, while recognising the past achievements of our Church in pursuit of God’s Kingdom. 

We want our Church family to bear much fruit, growing in number as well as growing our congregation’s participation in acts of service in the Church and local community. We need our buildings to enable our vision of gospel fruitfulness. 
We want to invest in the future of our mission to Partick and Thornwood. Our existing building is safe and dry but short of space and modern facilities. Our children are often playing too close to the busy main road and our young people, women’s and men’s fellowship have limited spaces to meet together and grow in their discipleship. The time has come to renew our commitment to this area by investing in our building and the information that follows outlines howwe plan to do that. You can also read our brochure from June 2024 for more background information.

The Elders and Deacons have been working together with members of the congregation to agree what the outcomes are that we are looking to achieve as we work with professionals – architects and builders – to establish our budget and what the phases of this work might look like. We want to achieve these outcomes…

A Phased Approach

Phase 1: Internal improvements to sanctuary to make it immediately more attractive and welcoming (painting and new lighting) – by June 2024.

Phase 2: Improvements to vestibule, including installation of accessible toilet, new glass doors, works to make the ground around the entrance more appealing and inviting to passers-by – ideally commencing late 2024.

Phase 3: Alterations to existing rear buildings, essential remedial work to floor, consolidating kitchen facilities, and reconfiguring the overall space – spring 2025, God willing.

Phase 4: Creation of hub space connecting the two buildings, and provision of secure garden/courtyard area for use in good weather. Timing is dependent on funding.

Phase 5: Works to restore sanctuary to original size and remove upstairs storage space/room - contingent on temp relocation to back hall for 6-8 weeks. Dependent on funding.

Phase 6: Exterior stone and roof works as required – nothing urgent identified. Dependent on funding.
We are currently on Phase 1 and at the start of our fundraising efforts. Please consider prayerfully how you can contribute to our work.
Please use ‘Building Fund’ as a reference to ensure any donations are allocated to this purpose.
drawing of a cheque against a yellow circle
Contactless in the building, or debit/credit card via the website. You can allocate a donation to the Building Fund.
drawing of a cheque
Cheques should be made out to Crow Road Free Church, and placed in the cash box or posted to the Church for the attention of Laura Stevenson. Please mark ‘Building Fund’ on the back of any cheque.
Drawing of a coin going into a bag
Cash box in the vestibule if the only way you can give is by using cash. (We would encourage you to use one of the cashless options if possible.) Please put cash in an envelope marked ‘Building Fund’.
For more information about payments please head to our donate page.  
Donate Page

Please Partner With Us in Prayer

• Please pray for the leadership to have wisdom and humility as we seek God’s will for our future.

• Please listen for opportunities to influence our decisions and make sure that your needs are also considered and met.

• Please also prayerfully reflect on your giving and make sure you are aware of how your valuable gifts to the Church are being stewarded.

• Please also consider your own gifts and talents and whether they could be brought to shape this work in a manner that is pleasing to our Lord.

• Please get in touch if you would like more information or discuss with the fund raising group how you could help.

Questions & Answers

How are you engaging with the
congregation in this process?

Will this be disruptive and
disturb our regular worship?

How long with this all take?

Are we taking on too much?

Why are members who are leading
the Bearsden church plant involved?

How can I get involved in this project?

View our Brochure!

For more information please click below to view a digital version of our brochure.
View Brochure
Crow Road Free Church is a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland, and is a Scottish Charity, SC009980, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) Privacy Policy